Loggerythm – New Version

By | May 23, 2006

Well not quite, just a new exe with unlimited user rows is available 🙂 OK, try this, on the left hand menu click on Register, and register an account on this web site, you will receivel only updates of significance and nothing else by email from me, but I would like to know how many people are downloading this. Then go to Loggerythm downloads, you will now see Loggerythm Registered Users Files, download the exe file from there. Rename your old exe, save this one to the same directory.

Check your {overlib linktext="conf file" text="installed in the same directory as Loggerythm.exe DO NOT MOVE it has to be in the same directory as the exe" title="About the conf file"}
. If you don't define userdetailrows then it will default to 5 rows (ie userdetailrows=10). Use with care, as this could create huge files, start small and work your way up, I stongly suggest you don't strat with something like userdetailrows=100. Don't forget that userdetail=1 has to be set.

 This assumes that you already have Loggerythm installed, if not downlaod version and run setup, then replace the exe file with the one from the registered users downloads. Thats it, the 5 user limit is now lifted if you set it higher. If you want to give me any feedback use the "Contact Us" form and I will get back to you.

I have nothing to test this with right now but changes were minor and the  build was clean so there was very little chance I introduced any bugs 🙂  Let me know how it goes for you, please.


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