After a break of nearly 27 years off the air I decided a couple of months back that it might be fun to get back into Amateur Radio again…. So, asking around locally here (I live in New Caledonia) it seemed best option for buying a new rig was overseas. So I sprung for a Yaesu FT-450D which seemed like a nice compromise between expensive and functional, specifically ATU built in. Around the same time I ordered some end-fed antennas.
My first surprise when ordering the new rig was just how light a 30 AMP Power Supply is these days 🙂 It was actually lighter than the FT-450D. So to cut a long story short, rig arrived, PSU arrived, antennas a bit later. Then some running around to find some RG-58 and I was up and running.
I guess my first disappointment was the lack of activity. However I then discovered JT65 and my life was changed 🙂 I intend to write a lot more about that soon but for now, here is 2 months of JT65 on 160 through to 10 meters (mostly April / May 2016 here)

Phill, as one of folks you have worked since your return to the airwaves, let me just say thanks for doing so and I’m glad that you found JT65.
Working your station put me one step closer to getting my DXCC.
Hope you have continued enjoyment with your renewed interest in the hobby.